Feb 12, 2022 | Articles, JACCU Team, Teachers
Niek Span is one of the language teachers of JACCU. Niek has developed a deep interest in languages ever since he was a child. At the end of his normal school career, this interest was further fueled by a strong curiosity of the Japanese language – without...
Nov 15, 2021 | Articles, Partners
JACCU proudly presents Shokudo Japanese Food & Design a traditional Japanese restaurant near the city centre of Utrecht. Genuinely Japanese In Spring of 2021 Emi Matsumoto (from Nagasaki) and her companion Keiji Aikawa (from Yamanashi) started their own restaurant...
Sep 22, 2021 | Artists, JACCU Team
Hiroko Matsushita is a female artist from Japan, living in the Netherlands since 2019. She joined JACCU With her passion to make a cultural bridge between Japan and the Netherlands, she joined JACCU to widen people’s perspective, especially through the field of art...
Sep 20, 2021 | Articles, Cooking
A favorite Japanese food of mine is yakitori [焼き鳥]. It is not just the often boisterous and happy places where you can eat it, meet “the locals” and study your Japanese language lessons. But it is also the idea of eating most parts of an animal with hardly any waste....
Sep 20, 2021 | Taka's Kitchen
Taka’s next online Japanese cooking class on 17 October Our favourite Japanese chef, Taka’s online cooking class will be back in October. In each class, Taka shares tasty Japanese food recipes and guides you through the process of preparing a delicious meal at home....
Sep 1, 2021 | Events, News NL
Free taiko trial lessons on the 12th of September On the 12th of September (Sunday) there will be free trial lessons at the dojo of House of Circles in Montfoort. There will be two opportunities and you can take part in one of the lessons. The program is as follows:...
Sep 1, 2021 | News JACCU, Online Events
Start Kanji Cursus op 5 Oktober — Scroll down for English — In het najaar zal een online cursus van 8 lessen van start gaan ter introductie van het kanji schrift, wat de basis vormt voor het japanse schrift. In deze cursus zullen we de eerste 80 kanji...
Aug 31, 2021 | Articles, News NL
World-renowned international digital art collective teamLab is scheduled to launch a permanent exhibition in Utrecht, the Netherlands in 2024. As Europe’s first digital art centre, called ‘Nowhere’, it is dedicated to the collective’s popular immersive digital art, as...
Aug 4, 2021 | Cooking, Partners
Tamagodashimaki (卵だし巻き) is sometimes called a “Japanese Omelet”.I do not think it is like an omelet at all, except for the fact that it contains egg and that it is fried. The Japanese version is creamy, sweet and savoury at the same time. When visiting Japan, one of...
Jul 28, 2021 | Taka's Kitchen
Taka’s Second Online Japanese Cooking Class on the 5th of September Our favourite Japanese chef, Taka’s online cooking class will be back in September. In each class, Taka shares three tasty Japanese food recipes and guides you through the process of preparing a...